Created from the merger of historical orthopaedic brands from Bergamo, such as Burini, and from Milan, such as Subema, Humantech now represents the best of Italian orthopaedics.
Every company that became part of the Humantech Group added to its value: while Subema represented the best in the commercial side, Burini was the best in the technical side, and Bestetti provided its knowledge from over fifty years of experience in the orthopaedics field.
A group of companies with a single goal: to effectively provide practical, ad hoc answers for all those who choose to rely on our orthopaedic specialists. Creating physical but also moral well-being, helping those with disabilities by guiding them to understand their condition and finding the best solution together.
The Humantech Group now extends far beyond the province of Bergamo. In fact, over the years, it has managed to expand by creating a large network of outlets located in no less than five provinces throughout Lombardy.
This gradual expansion has enabled Humantech to grow its orthopaedic device sales network to both individuals and hospital companies.
The main difference between these two types of buyer is that the former is looking for orthopaedic aids to rent for both short and long periods of time.
The latter, on the other hand, are more interested in purchasing numerous orthopaedic products to be used for rehabilitation within hospitals.
Affiliated with the National Health System/INAIL.
Registered with the Ministry of Health as custom device manufacturers:
ITCA 01031008.
Registered professional orthopaedic technicians under Italian Ministerial Decree 13/03/2018
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